Friday, June 11, 2010

Day Four

Switching to wordpress:

Day Three

Thinking about switching to wordpress...

Day Two

Ok, so far so good.

Kind of...
Still old stuff...but better than nothing right?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day One

Ok, so, since I graduated in June 2009 with my BFA I really haven't done any sort of artwork....
And I want to get back on track with my art.

I keep making up excuses for why I haven't done anything artistic in the past...12 months (sounds less severe than 1 year -___-", crap, has it been that long?):
  • the apartment is too messy already, I don't want to make it messier
  • waiting for it to be warmer outside so I can paint on the patio (come on Calgary, it's June already, time to warm up!!)
...actually...those are my two only excuses...urg, even my excuses are pathetic.

Soooooo, in the spirit of not being a procrastinator anymore, I have decided to start this blog!! This blog, where I will post a new piece of artwork everyday, starting today, until...who knows?

However, because my apartment is still a mess, and I still need to clean it, and because deep down I'm still a big procrastinator, I'll start posting some of my older artwork, and interject with new sketches/drawings/paintings that I do...

I don't have THAT many old work, so I'll have to start being creative soon....

Walk, not run, right?